Commonly Asked Questions & Answers
When is drywall tape repair needed?
Drywall tape repair is needed when the tape that covers the seam pulls away from the joint exposing the seam beneath. This phenomenon is called drywall tape peeling
What causes drywall tape peeling?
Drywall tape peeling is most commonly caused by a poor bond between the tape & the joint compound. Tape peeling can also be the result of too much pressure being applied during the taping process. It can also be a tell-tale sign of a slow progression of water damage
Where is drywall tape peeling most likely to appear?
Due to gravity, drywall tape peeling often manifests itself on ceilings. However, tape peeling can occur anywhere there is a seam with poor adhesion and or insufficient joint compound.
Why should drywall tape peeling be repaired right away?
Drywall seam repair should be performed right away or the tape may continue to fail until the entire length of the seam beneath it is completely exposed. The failure of one seam may also lead to the failure of other intersecting seams.
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